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Guidelines for the preparation of abstract (for both oral and poster presentations)

Download Abstract Sample

Authors are requested to read following technical instructions for abstract submission:

Language and Format

    • Abstracts must be written in English using Microsoft Word, version 2007 or higher. It should be free from grammatical and syntax errors.
    • Use Arial or Times New Roman font, size 12 points.
    • Add single spacing with justified alignment


    • Abstracts should include the aim of the paper, essential research results, and a brief conclusion. Do not create subheadings for above sections.
    • Avoid overly brief or overly general abstracts; aim for approximately 250 words.
    • Provide up to five keywords, separated by commas.

Formatting Details

    • Margins: Use normal margins.
    • Font: Arial or Times New Roman throughout.


    • Write the title in Sentence-lowercase, bold, size 16 points, and left-aligned.
    • Keep the title brief and precise, not exceeding 100 characters (excluding spaces).


    • List the full names and surnames of all authors in lowercase, bold, size 12 points.
    • Do not include titles (e.g., Dr., Prof.) and author short names (e.g. Joseph as J.)


    • Provide the authors’ addresses in lowercase, italic, size 12 points.
    • Include the email address for the corresponding author in parentheses after the address.


    • List keywords below the abstract.


    • Do not include tables, graphs, drawings, or any other illustrations in the abstract.

Abstract not written according to the technical instruction will be returned to the authors.

Guidelines for oral presentations only

Download Oral PPT Sample

To ensure a smooth and effective delivery, please adhere to the following guidelines for your oral presentation:

Presentation Timing

    • Each presentation is allocated a total of 15 minutes.
    • Aim for 10 minutes of presentation followed by 5 minutes for questions and answers.
    • Strictly adhere to the allotted time to ensure the schedule runs smoothly.

Presentation Format

    • Prepare your slides using PowerPoint (PPT or PPTX) or PDF format.
    • Use a clear, legible font (e.g., Arial, Calibri) with a minimum size of 18 points for text.
    • Keep slides simple and uncluttered, focusing on key points and visual aids.

Content Structure (Not more than 15 slides in total)

    • Title page: Title of abstract (same as submitted), authors, affiliations, contact information, logos, etc.
    • Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself, your affiliation, and the topic of your presentation.
    • Objective: Clearly state the objective or purpose of your research.
    • Methodology: Describe the methods used in your research concisely.
    • Results: Present the main findings of your research with appropriate data and visuals (e.g., graphs, charts).
    • Conclusion: Summarize the key takeaways and potential implications of your research.
    • References: Add references on a single page in smaller font size.

Technical Requirements

    • Use high speed internet connection to avoid any technical issue during online presentation

Delivery Tips

    • Be prepared to answer questions succinctly and thoughtfully during the Q&A session.

Additional Information

    • Join the conference in online mode at least 30 minutes before your session to set up and meet the session chair.
    • Respect other presenters by remaining quiet and attentive during their presentations.
    • If you encounter any technical issues, contact the conference support staff immediately.

Guidelines for poster presentations only

Download Poster Sample

To ensure a professional and effective poster presentation, please adhere to the following guidelines:

Format, Poster Size and Layout

    • Poster should be a single page PDF file. More than one page in poster presentation is not allowed.
    • Posters should not exceed the dimensions of 43 inches (110 cm) in width and 30 inches (76 cm) in height.
    • Use a horizontals orientation.
    • Ensure the layout is clear and organized, making it easy for viewers to follow.

Content Structure

    • Title: Include the title of your poster at the top, written in bold and readable font.
    • Poster ID: Add poster ID on top left corner.
    • Authors and Affiliations: List the full names and affiliations of all authors below the title, using a smaller font.
    • Introduction: Provide a brief background and state the objective of your research.
    • Methods: Describe the methodology used in your research succinctly.
    • Results: Present your main findings using visuals like graphs, charts, and images. Ensure text is legible.
    • Conclusion: Summarize the key points and implications of your research.
    • Acknowledgments: Include any funding sources or acknowledgments at the bottom of the poster.
    • References: List any references in a smaller font at the bottom.

Design and Visuals

    • Use high-resolution images and graphics to enhance the visual appeal.
    • Choose a color scheme that is easy on the eyes and provides good contrast between text and background.
    • Avoid excessive text; use bullet points and concise statements to convey information.
    • Ensure all visuals are clearly labeled and have accompanying captions.

Font and Readability

    • Use a clear, legible font such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.
    • Titles and headings should be in bold and larger than body text.